CO-Managed IT Services: A Partnership That Empowers Your IT Department Provide strong and healthy IT for your Organization




Managing IT for a busy organization is a superhuman task. You shouldn’t have to do it alone.

Any of this sound familiar?

Constant pressure

Ever feel like you can’t go on vacation because you don’t have anyone to back you up? When there’s too much work, and not enough people to manage every aspect of IT, the pressure is constant and leads to burnout.

Juggling countless tools

Managing one tool is work enough, let alone the dozens it requires to manage IT at a busy organization. Evaluating, learning, maintaining multiple tools takes a lot of bandwidth.

Not enough support

IT is an often-overlooked function because, let’s face it, most people don’t understand it. But you know the value of great IT. You just need the resources and support to get it all done.

Don’t get stuck in constant reactive mode.

You deserve to deliver world-class IT.


Simply IT will be a true partner to empower your IT department and strengthen your organization.

We’ll set you up for success when you need to manage:


Avoid security risks with layered security measures such as end- point protection, firewall monitoring, multi-factor authentication.

Cloud Services

Increase agility and productivity through data protection, implementation & management configuration for Microsoft 365.

Disaster Planning & Recovery

Stay up consistently with design, implementation and oversight of proactive plans to ensure business continuity.

Employee Training

Improve employee output through training and education on cyber security, productivity software, business operations and more through customized in-person or virtual offerings

Cloud Services

Increase agility and productivity through data protection, implementation & management configuration for Microsoft 365.

Data Backup Solutions

The last line of defense is a good backup. Implemented solutions to ensure safe, secure backups in multiple locations.

Virtual CIO

Enhance collaboration between IT and organizational operations through integrated processes, increased communication and strategic guidance.


Empower your employees through robust and accessible help desk resources. Call, email, or submit a ticket to get the type of help you need, when you need it.

Got something else in mind?

Give us a call and we’ll help identify gaps in your IT we can fill.

We care about the success and security of your organization.

Let us take on the heavy lifting with your IT

Assess Your IT

We’ll spend time with your team to understand your overall goals, identify vulnerabilities and opportunities in your current IT program. Your assessment results will pave the way for your custom IT plan. We’re not just here to plug in a few cables. We aim to help you optimize your IT to fully support and grow your organizational operations.


Implement Your Plan

Your custom plan will include a detailed presentation of our assessment findings and recommendations for implementing IT at your organization. Then we’ll get to work putting your new strategy in place. Rest easy with a plan that’s tailored for you.


Maximize Your Technology

When it comes to your IT, we’re here to make sure you’re covered for the long haul. Through both immediate and proactive ongoing support, communication, and strategic guidance, we’ll be sure to set your organization up for longterm success.


We understand when you run an organization, you can’t afford IT failures.

Here’s what you need to improve your bottom line with IT:

IT Support at All Levels

Whether you need help managing L1 tasks, or providing strategic guidance to your IT department, we’re here to help fill the gaps in any way you need.

State of the Art Tools

When partnering with Simply IT, you’ll gain access to best-in-class tools, system and software to manage your IT program. Get ready to geek out over the coolest new toys you will get to use (and don’t worry, we’ll be right there geeking out too!).

We’ll Make You Look Good

We want your team to be MVPs. We will always be on the lookout for innovative ways to support you in contributing to the bottom line of your business. You’ll be well on the way to the next employee-of-the- month!

Exceptional Customer Support

Our service desk is available to support you whenever you need it and prioritize fast turnaround times. We believe you should have access to knowledgeable, downright good-to- work-with people that have your best interest in mind.

We’re in your corner.

With us in your corner, your new future awaits.

Deliver Stress Free IT

Gain Access to State-of-the-Art Tools

Increase Your Bandwidth

Grow Your Skills with Training

Boost Your Productivity

Be an IT Superstar.

We’ll help deliver support, guidance, and strategy to empower you to build an IT program that enhances the success of your organization.

Break out of the IT status quo.

Let us take on the heavy lifting and deliver proactive IT services to enhance the success of your organization.

Schedule a Free Consultation Please click on the day you would like to schedule a call and choose a time that works best for you!